Fitness Motivation
No matter the season, fitness motivation can ebb and flow for all of us. Sooner or later we need to review what we are doing. Below are some thoughts from our Rauform Chief Cheerleader on motivation, what can affect it as well as what can help give us all back our mojo.
“Why do you think you don’t have enough motivation? Exercise should be enjoyable, as well as effective. The best workout plan is the one you enjoy enough to repeat often enough to get the results you want!
So take a step back and look at your current fitness routine. Are you doing a type of exercise that you really don’t like? Do you have enough variety in your routine to prevent boredom? Likewise has your routine been updated to keep it interesting and ensure that you’re making progress?
Overall, your plan or routine should be individualized to suit your unique needs. Everyone can find exercise that they ENJOY AND that gets them the RESULTS they desire. If this sounds like you, it’s time to get the pen and paper out and rewrite your routine this autumn😊”
by Sandy Rau
Motivation Quotes